Flood causes and prevention with Yuvagyan Hastakshar

Floods are a common and destructive natural disaster, caused by various factors including heavy rainfall, river overflow, storm surges, melting snow and ice, dam and levee failures, urbanization, and climate change. Heavy rainfall can overwhelm drainage systems and riverbanks, while river overflow often results from excessive rainfall or rapid snowmelt. Coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to storm surges during hurricanes or typhoons. In colder regions, the rapid melting of snow and ice in spring can lead to swollen rivers and streams. Structural failures in dams and levees can cause sudden, catastrophic flooding. Urbanization and deforestation reduce the land’s natural ability to absorb water, increasing runoff and flood risks. Climate change contributes to more extreme weather events, including heavier rainfall and rising sea levels, exacerbating flood risks. Preventing floods involves improving drainage systems, constructing flood barriers and levees, reforesting and restoring wetlands, managing floodplains, implementing early warning systems, promoting community preparedness, and adopting sustainable urban planning.


Flood causes and prevention with Yuvagyan Hastakshar